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These are copper coated Dowsing rods (5X13) with copper handles.
These are copper coated rods (5X13) with copper handles. The bags are made of felt and colors vary. There is a double sided instruction sheet on how to use them.
Dowsing is a art employed to be used in many mainstream activities, such as; locate ground water, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, grave sites, find ‘earth vibrations’ (lay lines) and many other objects and materials without the use of a scientific apparatus. Dowsing Rods have been used for centuries and in the “OIL INDUSTRY” it is one of the hidden secrets. Many times Dowsers are employed to find oil well before geologist are used to survey the land. From our personal experiences many of our clients in the business say it is many times more important to use the Dowsing tools because of the accuracy.
We use them in our Metaphysical classes to detect the Bio-Field of a human being, which detects it with extreme accuracy. Doctors have also used them in detecting the bio-field to determine the health of a person. A low or small bio-field shows low energy and low immune system. With a bio-field that exceeds 5 to 10 feet, that is a person who is healthy on all levels. This can be fun to do at home and is easy to use. We do not use them as a “religious” practice but as a science of testing the subtle energies that are always around us, but are unseen to most.
We once had a busted pipe in our backyard and the plumber could not determine where the leak was, so we used our dowsing rods and lead him directly to the problem. He was amazed at the accuracy in finding the leak and saved us hundreds of dollars in paying him to dig up the entire yard.
Today, many of our clients also use the Dowsing rods to detect the high levels of radiation they are being exposed too in their home, office, etc. Finding the source and location in your home can help you find the safest place to work and sleep without disturbance from EMF radiation. Once you determine the areas, get our WHOLE HOUSE EMF PLUG, to help eliminate the dangerous radiation by neutralizing it.
Get your pair today and enjoy the art of Dowsing.
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