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Superior Magnesium Formula
Magnesium orotate
Of all the macronutrient minerals in the human body, magnesium is the one most likely to be deficient. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to a large number of disorders, including diabetes, hypertension, dementia, and osteoporosis. Magnesium compounds are medically accepted as helpful for treating migraines, asthma, chronic lung disease, and cardiac conditions such as heart attack and arrhythmias. Magnesium orotate should be even more effective than other magnesium supplements for such conditions, in view of its enhancement of magnesium transport and its documented benefits in cardiovascular disorders.
In addition to its cholesterol-lowering and heart-energizing effects, magnesium orotate has also been reported to improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Using capillarographic recordings Dr. Nieper was able to show that a daily dose of 380 mg magnesium orotate over 15 months was sufficient to normalize or greatly improve the elasticity of peripheral blood vessels in 60 of 64 patients. Such an effect on vessel elasticity suggests the use of magnesium orotate for lowering blood pressure as well as for inhibiting arteriosclerosis.
Dr. Nieper generally combined magnesium orotate with other nutrients for optimal effect. For example, it’s known that potassium deficiency is closely linked with magnesium deficiency because magnesium ions are needed to activate an important cellular pump which regulates sodium and potassium levels. In addition, potassium orotate itself is thought to be beneficial for conditions such as cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure (see section below on Potassium orotate). So it’s not surprising to find that Nieper recommended a combination of magnesium orotate (1.5 to 2.5 grams per day) plus potassium orotate (138 to 300 mg daily) for treating angina and coronary heart disease. He also suggested adding the pineapple enzyme bromelain (120 to 140 mg per day) to inhibit platelet aggregation and dissolve fibrin clots. The 2- and 4-year mortality rates for patients on this regimen were reportedly reduced by 90% or more compared to patients in other studies who received conventional medications.
A similar Nieper combination designed for unclogging arteries involved magnesium orotate (1 to 1.5 grams per day) together with carnitine (4 grams per day), selenium (Se-enriched yeast, 300 to 400 mcg per day), bromelain (240 mg daily), and the enzyme serrapeptase 10 to 15 mg per day). See his article on CardioPeptase for additional information.
Finally, it’s worth pointing out that magnesium orotate isn’t just for heart patients – it’s also for healthy athletes. In a double-blind, randomized study, 23 competitive triathletes were studied after 4 weeks of supplementation with placebo or magnesium orotate. Blood was collected before and after a test consisting of a 380-meter swim, a 20-km bicycle race, and a 5-km run. Compared to placebo, magnesium orotate caused a greater increase during the test in serum glucose and venous partial pressure of oxygen, and a greater decrease in serum insulin, blood acidity, and serum cortisol. The changes in glucose use and reduction in stress responses occurred without affecting the athletes’ competitive potential-quite the reverse, in fact. The exercising athletes had greater endurance as a result of the magnesium orotate supplements. By contrast, a different study in which athletes were supplemented with magnesium oxide (which is relatively poorly absorbed) reported no improvement in exercise performance, attesting to the superior uptake of magnesium in the orotate form compared to the oxide.
Magnesium Orotate
Magnesium Orotate – can be taken for magnesium deficiencies, which most people have these days because of stress and food that has become nutrient deficient.
Conditions like Diabetes experience low levels of serum (blood) magnesium, they have poor wound healing and many other issues due to this important mineral at low levels.
Cramping, especially at night is a typical sign that you need more magnesium in your body. The Magnesium Orotate is one of the most absorbable formulas on the market.
Athletes, to enhance physical activity you can take in more of the Magnesium Orotates to aid in muscle contraction and recovery.
DOSAGES will vary depending on your personal needs. It can be taken in the morning or in the evenings at bedtime. This will help with more muscle relaxation and deeper sleep.
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